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Water is the most widely used and important raw material in drug production. The quality of water directly affects the quality of drugs. The quality standards of purified water and water for injection are clearly specified in the text of USP 24. In addition, the appendix also specifies the type of pharmaceutical water system, water selection, verification and installation requirements of water system Cleaning, disinfection and maintenance, etc. FDA pays special attention to the pure water system during inspection, which often takes a considerable time to inspect. We can also see from the FDA's warning letter on overseas inspection in recent years that many manufacturers have problems in the control of pharmaceutical water: some manufacturers need to control from the source because it is difficult to remove endotoxin in product production, "Any link in the pharmaceutical manufacturing process affects the quality of products" This GMP idea has become a basic principle of FDA's drug control. Of course, drug production quality management is a systematic project, and preparation for FDA inspection should be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of GMP. However, after all, the time for on-site inspection is limited and there are language barriers. Making these preparations will undoubtedly be of great benefit to the smooth passage of inspection. Precautions for inspection:


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