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Please be aware that we will resume work on February 25th, 2019. The delivery date will be approximately 30-35 days after payment has been received, which means the delivery will be around the end of March 2019.

Please be aware that we will return to work on February 25, 2019. The estimated delivery time will be approximately 30-35 days after payment is received, which would put the delivery date towards the end of March 2019.

By changing materials, we can now offer a two-year guarantee. Additionally, I am available to assist with loading the container for other suppliers' goods, as I did before, at no additional cost.


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在我们应用Facebook时,会发觉里边的信息确实是太多了,并不可以每条信息都查询,总是可选择性的关心这些有使用价值的信息内容。那麼如何使Facebook广告视频更具有感染力呢?广告视频理应简单明了,那样你的广告宣传更非常容易被收看完,并且也更非常容易吸引住受众群体,进而产生更强的实际效果。此外也有六点小窍门~ …


未来一切交易都来自于流量。流量在哪,机会就在哪。你可以不去参与,但你得知道机会在哪。 …


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