Instagram热门赞 Instagram将推新工具 可在攻击性评论发布前发出提醒

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新浪科技讯 北京时间7月9日早间消息,据美国科技媒体CNET报道,Instagram一直因为没有采取足够措施来打击网络欺凌而受到抨击,但该公司周一对此回应称,他们即将推出一款新工具来解决这个问题,目前正在展开测试。

Sina science and technology news in the morning of July 9, Beijing time, instagram has been criticized for not taking enough measures to combat Internet bullying, according to the US science and technology media CNET, but the company responded on Monday that it is about to launch a new tool to solve the problem and is currently testing it.

这款Facebook旗下的照片共享应用在4月份的Facebook F8开发者大会上宣布,他们正在尝试用新的功能来打击欺凌行为。现在Instagram正式发布了一项人工智能功能,让用户知道他们是否即将发布攻击性评论。


Instagram 自动赞


“我们可以采取更多措施防止来欺凌行为发生在Instagram上。我们可以采取更多措施,让欺凌目标能够让自己站起来,” Instagram负责人亚当·莫瑟里(Adam Mosseri)在一篇博文中写道。莫瑟里表示,该公司测试了新的人工智能功能,并促使一些用户在发布之前更改了攻击性评论。



根据皮尤研究中心2018年的一项研究,大约59%的美国青少年在网上受到欺凌或骚扰,而且大多数人认为社交媒体网站在解决这一问题方面做得相当不公平。 反欺凌组织Ditch the Label于2017年发现,在英国接受调查的12至20岁有过网上欺凌遭遇的人中,有42%在Instagram上经历过这种情况。

According to a Pew Research Center study in 2018, about 59% of American teenagers are bullied or harassed on the Internet, and most people think that social media websites are quite unfair in solving this problem. In 2017, the anti bullying group ditch the label found that 42% of people aged 12 to 20 who had experienced online bullying in the UK had experienced it on instagram.


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