fb买粉赞 拉开整合序幕 Facebook有大动作了

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Instagram 自动点赞


Facebook has started to switch the integration of instagram and Messenger chat systems. Last week, a number of users (including IOS and Android devices) across the country noticed that an update screen in the instagram mobile app popped up, displaying the message "there is a new way of messaging on instagram" and listing a series of features. These include "a new, colorful look," chatting, "more emoticons, swiping to reply, and a big emoticon:" chatting with friends who use Facebook. "


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这可能是Facebook努力将各种产品和应用紧密结合起来的 新措施。在过去的两年里,它重塑了Instagram和WhatsApp的品牌,以提高用户对Facebook应用的理解。首席执行官马克·扎克伯格宣布了整合公司所有信息服务的计划。

据说Facebook正在重建基础架构,让使用其一个应用的用户可以使用其他Facebook应用连接到其他用户。Facebook首席执行官也表示,他希望该系统对端到端进行加密。Facebook可能会通过集成其 流行的应用程序与苹果的iMessage进行更直接的竞争。


Facebook是信息传递领域的领导者。根据Statista的数据,世界上 大的信息传递应用程序是Facebook的WhatsApp,每月活跃用户约为20亿人。FacebookMessenger是Statista列表的第二大服务,拥有13亿用户,其次是 的 应用程序,拥有12亿用户。

该列表不包括Apple的iMessage,后者应该在全球排名前四的消息传递应用程序中名列前茅。苹果表示,2019年有9亿活跃iPhone用户,总计14亿活跃苹果设备。用户通常拥有不止一台Apple设备,因此不能断言每台设备都是一个 用户。iMessage是默认的iOS短信服务,因此iMessage用户群可能接近iPhone用户总数。

The list does not include Apple's IMessage, which should be among the top four messaging applications in the world. Apple said it had 900 million active iPhone users in 2019, a total of 1.4 billion active Apple devices. Users usually have more than one apple device, so it cannot be asserted that each device is a unique user. IMessage is the default IOS SMS service, so the IMessage user base may be close to the total number of iPhone users.

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