ins买粉 Twitter(TWTR.US)在印度等数个市场出现宕机情况

🟨🟧🟩🟦『』 - 5月5日,美原油连续6个交易日上涨,因市场对于全球经济重启的预期以及美原油储存空间不足的忧虑缓解,推动油价持续走高,五个交易日美原油价格翻了一倍,并在周三刷新近一个月新高。但是周二美得州未能就减产100万桶/日达成一致,同时市场仍担忧新冠有二次发生的风险,此外全球经济下行压力依旧高企。基于此,考虑到近期油价过快的反弹,分析师认为油价近期持续上涨已经失去了动力,短时间存在回调的风险。🟨🟧🟩🟦

据外媒报道,包括印度在内的多个 与地区出现Twitter宕机情况。许多用户反映,该社交媒体服务平台出现响应缓慢或不佳的情况,尤其是 。据服务问题实时信息供应商DownDetector披露,Twitter在印度时间4月20日上午10点左右出现问题。


According to foreign media reports, a number of countries and regions, including India, have experienced twitter downtime. Many users reported that the response of the social media service platform was slow or poor, especially the web version. According to downdetector, a provider of real-time information on service problems, twitter had problems around 10 a.m. Indian time on April 20.

根据DownDetector提供的报告显示,57%的 用户上报了问题,Android和iOS客户端的用户上报的比例则分别为27%和15%。




On May 5, US crude oil rose for six consecutive trading days. As the market's expectation of a global economic restart and the easing of worries about insufficient storage space for US crude oil, oil prices continued to rise. US crude oil prices doubled in five trading days and reached a new high of nearly a month on Wednesday. However, on Tuesday, Texas failed to reach an agreement on reducing production by 1 million B / d. meanwhile, the market is still worried about the risk of secondary occurrence of new crown. In addition, downward pressure on the global economy is still high. Based on this, taking into account the recent rapid rebound of oil prices, analysts believe that the recent sustained rise of oil prices has lost momentum, and there is a risk of a short-term correction.

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