🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/socialrogers/』 - At present, the research and development of brain computer interface has begun to attract attention. Two months ago, neuralink, a start-up company in this field founded by Elon Musk, gave a demonstration to show the company's current progress in brain computer interface Security is still at a very early stage in terms of regulation and specific application.🟨🟧🟩🟦
CTRL labs is a New York based start-up company engaged in the research and development of brain computer interface. At present, the company has developed a watch like sensor that can be worn on the wrist. The sensor can receive muscle nerve signals, transmit the signals and control the machine equipment. Before it was acquired by Facebook, It has obtained 67 million US dollars of investment including Google venture capital (its venture capital division) and Amazon Alexa fund.
社交巨头Facebook 23日宣布收购脑机初创公司CTRL-labs,据知情人士透露,收购价格在10亿美元左右。
被Facebook收购后,CTRL-labs将会并入该公司旗下的“现实实验室”(Reality Lab Division),该实验室主要从事虚拟现实和增强现实应用的相关研发。
目前,关于脑机接口的相关研发开始受到关注,两个月前,伊隆 马斯克创办的该领域的初创公司Neuralink进行了一场演示,对外展示了该公司目前在脑机接口方面取得的进展,但目前该技术无论从技术的成熟度、安全性还是从监管以及具体应用方面依然处在非常早期的阶段。
At present, the research and development of brain computer interface has begun to attract attention. Two months ago, neuralink, a start-up company in this field founded by Elon Musk, gave a demonstration to show the company's current progress in brain computer interface Security is still at a very early stage in terms of regulation and specific application.
[tiktok买粉丝网] https://www.3ytv.com从Facebook收购CTRL-labs并纳入旗下虚拟/增强现实实验室的举动来看,Facebook试图将脑机接口应用在虚拟/增强现实应用中,提供更为自然、本能的控制体验。
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