Facebook赞 扎克伯格:可口可乐、微软等很快回归Facebook

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对于扎克伯格来说,这位顶着全球 有钱80后名号的大佬,在一些事情并不会轻易放弃自己的立场。

据美国媒体报道称,500多名广告主以Facebook没有控制仇恨言论为由对其发起联合抵制,但该公司CEO马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)对此并不感到担心。扎克伯格在Facebook内部会议上表示:“我猜想,所有这些广告主很快就会回到我们的平台上来。”

According to US media reports, more than 500 advertisers boycotted Facebook on the grounds that it did not control hate speech, but Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of the company, was not worried about it. "I guess all of these advertisers will soon be back on our platform," Zuckerberg told an internal Facebook conference

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虽然可口可乐、微软、星巴克和塔吉特等大公司都参与了抵制活动,但这些公司并非在Facebook平台上花钱 多的公司。报道指出,在Facebook平台上25个花钱 多的广告主中,只有3个公开确认将会加入抵制活动。这25个广告主为Facebook贡献了近20亿美元收入,在其营收中所占比例为3%。

Although Coca Cola, Microsoft, Starbucks and target all took part in the boycott, they are not the companies that spend the most on Facebook. Of the 25 most expensive advertisers on Facebook, only three publicly confirmed that they would join the boycott, the report said. The 25 advertisers contributed nearly $2 billion to Facebook, accounting for 3% of its revenue.

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Facebook是仅次于谷歌的全球 大数字广告网络,占据着超过21%的市场份额,这也从侧面反映了小扎的信心,因为这些广告主从根本上离不开Facebook这个体系。

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