脸书买粉 Facebook推出了付费在线活动 在苹果的App Store费用上花了大笔费用

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页面所有者可以通过Facebook Live创建任何类型的事件,例如琐事事件,播客,瑜伽课程,烹饪课和健身课程。Facebook还在Messenger Rooms中测试付费在线活动。此功能可在20个 /地区使用,并且仅适用于符合该平台的获利政策的Pages。然而,在苹果拒绝了Facebook要求将其标准的30%App Store降价幅度或允许社交网站承担费用之后,中小企业和创作者在iOS上的收入将会减少。

Page owners can create any type of event through Facebook live, such as trivia events, podcasts, yoga classes, cooking classes and fitness classes. Facebook is also testing paid online activity in messenger rooms. This feature can be used in 20 countries / regions, and is only applicable to pages that comply with the platform's profit policy. However, after Apple rejects Facebook's request to reduce its standard 30% app store price or allow social networking sites to bear the cost, small and medium-sized enterprises and creators' income on IOS will be reduced.

Facebook应用程序副总裁兼负责人Fidji Simo在博客文章中写道:



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在Epic Games起诉总部位于库比蒂诺的巨人将Fortnite赶出App Store之后,今天的公告使Facebook成为 新一家对苹果公司采取行动的公司。Epic发布了新的直接付款系统,绕过了App Store的30%税后,该游戏违反了商店的付款政策。

Today's announcement makes Facebook the latest company to take action against apple after Epic Games sued the Cupertino based giant for driving fortnite out of the app store A new direct payment system was released, bypassing the app store's 30% tax, and the game violated the store's payment policy.

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