Facebook买粉丝 Facebook将对一些违反其社区规范的团体进行“逐条审核”处理

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The company said on Saturday that Facebook is "vetting" groups whose Posts continue to violate social networking community norms as part of a broader attempt to prevent misinformation after the US election. Administrators and moderators of political and social groups who violate the rules will be required to review each post separately. The manual procedure will be effective within 60 days and cannot be appealed or overturned.

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《华盛顿邮报》早些时候报道的新政策,是在Facebook、Twitter、YouTube和其他社交媒体网站与一场异常有争议的总统竞选活动所引发的错误信息浪潮进行斗争之际出台的。本周早些时候,全球 大的社交网络关闭了一个名为"停止偷窃"的庞大团体,该团体谎称民主党人试图抢夺共和党总统唐纳德·特朗普的总统职位。

The new policy, earlier reported by the Washington Post, comes as Facebook, twitter, youtube and other social media sites battle a wave of misinformation triggered by an unusually controversial presidential campaign. Earlier this week, the world's largest social network shut down a huge group called stop stealing, which falsely claimed that Democrats were trying to seize the presidency of Republican president Donald Trump.



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