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做外贸的,大家都知道,在未来几年里,如何顺势而为,如何面对和应对世界外贸新格局已经成为了一个新的课题。 近和咱们全球一站的老顾客外贸老板聊的比较多,大家感受的也比较多,都说 近外贸比较难做了,早上还和2位老板聊了,一位他是之前做手机壳的,现在准备放弃这个外贸行业了,说之前很容易做,现在很难做了,另一位朋友,他是做衣服的,也感叹现在的衣服越来越难做了,竞争很大,做的很迷茫,不知道是该改行还是继续做下去。。。

As we all know, in the next few years, how to follow the trend and how to face and deal with the new pattern of world foreign trade has become a new topic. Recently, I talked a lot with the foreign trade boss, an old customer of our global stop, and everyone felt a lot. They all said that foreign trade is difficult to do recently. In the morning, I talked with two bosses. One of them used to make mobile phone shells, and now he is ready to give up the foreign trade industry. He said that it was easy to do before, but it is difficult to do now. Another friend, he makes clothes, I also lament that it is becoming more and more difficult to make clothes now. There is great competition and I am confused about doing it. I don't know whether to change my profession or continue to do it...

小马过河故事大家应该都听说过,小马问牛伯伯,牛伯伯说“不深,不深。才到我的小腿”小松鼠却着急很认真的告诉小马,“前两天我的一个伙伴不小心掉进了河里,河水就把他卷走了。牛伯伯说河水浅,小松鼠说河水深, 后小马走过了河,噢,他明白了,河水既没有牛伯伯说的那么浅,也没有小松鼠说的那么深。只有自己亲自试过才知道。

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TikTok可以在国外猛烈市场竞争中出类拔萃的缘故取决于,它相比输油管、twiter这一类的apps更好像在线娱乐,而不是生活习惯服务平台。而另一方面,根据它的可操作性相对性简易及散播幅度强劲,基本上所有人都能够变成原创者或是仿效者。 …


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Instagram每月拥有超过十亿的活跃用户,这为跨境电商独立站品牌寻找新消费者并展示自己的产品提供了巨大的机会。那么好的机会和平台都需要借助一些工具才能做到展示、数据分析、营销策略的优化和调整,帮助卖家们从对手中脱颖而出,吸引更多的流量!那么今天就从多个应用分享这些免费工具。 …