ins买粉 Twitter加大寻找首席信息安全官的力度

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据路透社消息,Twitter公司 近几周加大了寻找首席信息安全官的力度,两位知情人士告诉路透社记者,周三发生的名人账户被入侵事件引起了人们对该平台安全性的警惕。美国联邦调查局旧金山分部正在领导对Twitter黑客事件的调查。

Twitter has stepped up its search for a chief information security officer in recent weeks, according to Reuters. Two people familiar with the situation told Reuters that the intrusion of celebrity accounts on Wednesday has raised concerns about the security of the platform. The San Francisco branch of the FBI is leading an investigation into the twitter hacking.

据执法机构介绍,黑客在获得了包括乔·拜登、金·卡戴珊、贝拉克·奥巴马和埃隆·马斯克在内的名人和政治人物的Twitter账户控制权后,实施了加密货币欺诈。漏洞发生 后,Twitter没有证据表明攻击者可以获得密码,但不知道黑客能否看到账户所有者发送的个人信息。

Twitter首席执行官杰克·多西周三表示,这对Twitter的每个人来说都是“艰难的 ”,并承诺“当我们对具体发生的事情有了更全面的了解后,我们将分享一切”。多西的保证并没有缓解华盛顿对社交媒体公司的担忧,这些公司的政策受到了左派和右派批评者的审查。


Twitter chief executive Jack Dorsey said on Wednesday that it was a "tough day" for everyone on Twitter and promised that "when we have a more comprehensive understanding of what happened, we will share everything.". Dorsey's pledge did not ease Washington's concerns about social media companies, whose policies have been censored by critics on the left and right.


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