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Fashion trends and styles are evolving quickly, making it crucial for brands to remain visible to their audience. Those brands that consistently generate innovative content on TikTok have a higher chance of gaining recognition and popularity among fashion enthusiasts. By employing paid advertising, brands can enhance their ability to engage with fashion lovers and maintain a strong connection with them. Furthermore, purchasing TikTok followers with PayPal is also an option to consider.

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Boohoo Group 希望通过其多样化系列在年龄为16-24岁的女性目标受众中建立品牌形象,展示女性可以实现无尽的转变。这一目标针对英国时装零售商 Pretty Little Thing。

TikTok 以其年轻时尚的社区而闻名,官方企业账户 Pretty Little Thing 通过吸引人的有机内容展示其最新必备的外观和风格,选择了这个平台。


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小嘎发现,Pretty Little Thing早在2018年12月入驻了TikTok平台,该品牌是在早期红利市场中抢占了TikTok时尚品牌的先机。目前已经获得了160万粉丝和2800个赞!


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Pretty Little Thing 通过大胆的服装和流行的舞蹈动作来庆祝时髦和自信,旨在保持年轻和新鲜的氛围。虽然每个视频的内容不同,但通过品牌上的粉红色道具或标注,让所有视频都具有统一的品牌感,其中包括许多在 Prettly Little Thing 总部拍摄的恶作剧视频,让粉丝一眼就能认出内容!

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Pretty Little Thing cleverly utilizes its business account to discover new creators and provide opportunities for followers to showcase or collaborate with the brand. They leverage TikTok's creator ecosystem to produce native content and tap into the influence of popular creators to grow their fan base. The brand frequently creates captivating videos with short but engaging captions, encourages audience feedback, and offers fans a chance to win shopping vouchers with the hashtag #WIN, generating thousands of comments on their corporate account!

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      自 2018 年开设商业帐户以来,Pretty Little Thing 已累积超过 150 万粉丝,并在 500 多个视频中产生了超过 2800 万个赞!事实证明,TikTok 商业帐户在与受众互动方面非常有效,同时帮助该品牌在其不断变化的服装系列中保持人气。



Based on the aforementioned cases, it is evident that fashion brands should strive to increase brand popularity by producing engaging, informative, and creative content. These videos can be collaboratively created with co creators or involve users through brand challenges and other interactive methods. Regardless of whether the videos highlight the product introduction or user experience, as long as they are captivating, they have the potential to significantly impact the brand's reputation. You can purchase TikTok followers using PayPal.


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